Merry Christmas! Thanks for all of you!!
Date:2020-12-23   Click:2910

To: ICM's Customers and Suppliers:

Dear all,

At the ending of long and difficaulty 2020, thanks for your support to ICM Industries. Because of you, we feel warm at this long,dark, cold winter. Your support gives us more power and courange to step into the new year. Thank you.

Even 2020 is a special long year, the holiday season is coming at its step. Because of the 2019-nCov virus, all of us had a special experiences on life and work. Life not only has happy and flowers, some times will have black swan. But time will not stop, good or not good will be only spots in the life river. Thanks for all of you, because of  you, make our 2020 more easier than others. Thank you for coming into our life. 

Today maybe your last work day for 2020, holiday is coming, hope you have a happy time together with family. Family is the base of everything, may all of your loved friends and family have a happy, healthy and prosperous new year!

Thanks again for all of you. 

Merry Christmas and happy new year!

Best regards and thanks! 

ICM work team

NEXT:Office will close 9 days for National day holiday --Oct 1th-9th, 2022 LAST:New product:3"x2-1/2" Aluminum Gated WYE Valve