Five kinds of fittings are popular for SS braided flex hose
Date:2020-02-03   Click:2637

When someone asked me, what fittings are suitablefor stainless steel braided hose, in my mind I remembered these, as the aboveitems. Let me mention the names for you one by one:

1)     Camlock couplings: The firstpopular and easier connect is the camlock couplings. I think you must agreewith me. Camlock coupling Type D and Camlock coupling Type A combination ismuch popular. Also butt weld camlock type B and BW type F also used a lot.

2)     Weld on pipe fittings: ssbraided flex hose another popular connection way is welding. So weld on pipefittings can solve a lot of these connection works. Weld core+ Nut, One endweld + the other end thread, Double end thread Hex Nipple (NPT/NPSM,BSPT/BSPP).

3)     Tri-Clamp fittings: Someonetold me, in sanitary industries, tri-clamp fittings can solve 30% tubeconnection problem. So, tri-clamp fittings is the king of sanitary fittings. Nobodycan question its king position.

4)     Floating flange+ stub end: the important one but not the last one, for higher pressure hose, floating flange with stub end combinationis the floating flange with stub end. When you need a higher pressure, flangeis a good choice for you. Especially when you face 40bar,60bar or even higher. Suchas flanges +stub end, Weld on flanges with stub end. Very convenient and veryeasy.

5)     150lb pipe fittings: such asthread conical unions, hex nipples, toe nipples and barrel nipples.

If you are interested, please feel free to contact us. We have confidience to get your connections done. We have confidience to offer safer, repetable and valuable solutions for your hosese and equipment. Contact with us now!


Contact:Wendy Liu




ICM  Industrial Co., Ltd.
Room 501, Unit 1, Building 7, Zhifang Street, Tianqiao District, Jinan City, Shandong P.R., China.

ZIP Code:250101


Wendy Liu MP:+86-18660803139(whatsappSkype:wendyciphappy

Nana Liu MP:+86-15634803035 (whatsappSkype:nana.liu85

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